Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr
This is a story about a route sales representative, Peter, who is going on his day's work with CipherLab 8600 Mobile Computer.
Loading goods and reviewing driver itinerary before departure
Report distribution deficiencies
First stop to unload the goods
Send new order updates back to the office
No Wi-Fi connection
Upload data over a free wireless connection
Get free Wi-Fi save 3G data plans
Free Wi-Fi hotspot for data transmission
CipherLab 8630 can auto-authenticate Wi-Fi hotspot without registration
CipherLab WISPr library
Enable to bypass the captive portal with one-time configuration
Connect the mobile hotspot to available public Wi-Fi networks
Log in successfully!
Notify changes to manager for follow-up
Finish up day's work easily
Demo kit is available now!
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