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Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr


This is a story about a route sales representative, Peter, who is going on his day's work with CipherLab 8600 Mobile Computer.

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-Loading goods and reviewing driver itinerary before departure

Loading goods and reviewing driver itinerary before departure

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-report distribution deficiencies

Report distribution deficiencies

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-unload the goods

First stop to unload the goods

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-send new order updates

Send new order updates back to the office

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-no Wi-Fi connection

No Wi-Fi connection

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-upload data over a free wireless connection

Upload data over a free wireless connection

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-get free Wi-Fi access save 3G data plans

Get free Wi-Fi save 3G data plans

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-free Wi-Fi hotspot for data transmission

Free Wi-Fi hotspot for data transmission

CipherLab 8630 can auto-authenticate Wi-Fi hotspot without requiring to register

CipherLab 8630 can auto-authenticate Wi-Fi hotspot without registration

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr library

CipherLab WISPr library

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-enable to bypass the captive portal with one-time configuration

Enable to bypass the captive portal with one-time configuration

CipherLab WISPr-select one to connect the mobile hotspot from the list of available public Wi-Fi networks

Connect the mobile hotspot to available public Wi-Fi networks

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr- successful login

Log in successfully!

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-notified changes to manager

Notify changes to manager for follow-up

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-go to next stops

Finish up day's work easily

Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr-demo kit is available

Demo kit is available now!

📂Download pdf: Auto-connecting to access Wi-Fi hotspots with CipherLab WISPr